Here is a list of opportunities where you can get involved:
Would you be willing to make a cake and / or assist with refreshments on Open Afternoons and Special Event Days? If you would like to support the Mill in this way then we would be pleased to hear from you.
Are you willing to assist with the running of our Open Afternoons and Special Event Days. These Days are a significant element of our fundraising and your support would assist with the future running and maintenance of the Mill. If you would like to support the Mill in this way then we would be pleased to hear from you.
We need more Mill guides to support our Open Afternoons and Special Event Days. Training and familiarisation will be provided as required. If you are happy to talk to the public and to share your knowledge about the Mill then we would be pleased to hear from you.
If you would like to help running a stall at our Open Afternoons and Special Event Days then you would be greatly assisting our fundraising. No special talent is needed other than to promote a sale or donation. If you would like to support the Mill in this way then we would be pleased to hear from you.
Whilst the Mill looks a magnificent sight right now, being an all timber structure it requires a great deal of maintenance, mostly painting. It doesn’t seem long ago that we put the sweeps onto the mill but sadly they are very difficult to maintain whilst hung. Like Jill Mill, we need to take down the sweeps on a regular basis so that maintenance can be carried out in a safe and efficient manner. We repainted and fully refurbished two sweeps during 2018 and two more during 2019. Large sections of the Mill’s external cladding was repaired and locally painted after the first lockdown ended in 2020. To support painting we need numerous people, mostly painters, to assist with the task. If you would like to help maintain this very important piece of Hassock’s heritage then we would be pleased to hear from you.
If you could help us keep the grass cut and the mill grounds tidy, on a regular basis, then we would like to hear from you. The mill possesses a collection of gardening tools plus a petrol powered mower which is easy to use.
The Mill has to be manually turned to face the prevailing wind to maintain its stability. Would you be willing to go to the mill site and assist others to turn the mill when this is required? Ideally we would want to establish a number of volunteers who can be called upon in the time of need. The Weather Watch Team is getting better at interpreting the weather forecasts and it’s not often that we get caught out and need to unexpectedly turn the mill. The winding will always be supervised by an experienced member of the Weather Watch Team. If you would like to support the Mill in this way then we would be pleased to hear from you.
We are always looking for help to setup, run and dismantle our “Light Up Hassocks” Christmas Market stall. This is a very busy market and we sell items from our large range of products and memorabilia. If you would like to support the Mill in this way then we would be pleased to hear from you.