In addition to our regular volunteers we are thankful to the following organisations and individuals who have supported Oldland Mill Trust in a variety of different ways since 1980. OMT wishes to place on record its appreciation of this support without which the mill would simply not have been restored or continue to operate.
Why not get involved yourself in this gem of a building by considering sponsorship. It doesn’t have to be purely financial. Your services may be of use to us too.
DEFRA Rural Enterprise Scheme : Mark and Clare Shenton : Howard Corney : Alan and Rosemary Jenner
The Thatched Inn, Keymer (Edward Daniels) : The Abergavenny Estate
Simon Potter : Turner Dumbrell Foundation : the late John Renwick : Marjorie Kenney
Plumpton College : Kathy Allum : The Paynter Family : Frosts Cars : Janusz Kent
Valerie Morfield : Julie King : Peter and Sheila Shepherd : Sussex Sign Centre
Roger Broadbent ; Richard and Janet Sharman : St Cosmas and St Damian Church
The following companies have provided materials and services at reduced rates or otherwise supported the restoration: