This interview, with Betty Morley, was conducted by Mill Volunteer Mick Fitter on 9th June 2006.
Betty Morley is the granddaughter of David Driver, the last Miller operating Oldland Windmill, and his wife Hepzeipah Driver (nee White).
David Driver was in partnership, running Oldland Windmill, with John White who was also Hepzeipah’s father. David continued running the Mill, after John White’s sudden death in 1904, until it’s closure around 1912.
The interview offers a fascinating insight into Betty’s childhood and her knowledge of the Mill, parents and grandparents.
You can download then listen to the 45 minute interview here.
You can also read the transcript of the interview here.
During the interview, Betty relates to various photographs which are included below.
Click on any image to enlarge it: