Detailed History by Key Dates
1703 Earliest record of Oldland mill on the Turner Estate map as an open trestle windmill.
1755 Mill mentioned in the Ditchling Churchwarden’s Accounts.
1801 Mill mentioned in the National Defence Schedule for the Napoleonic Wars.
1839 Earliest name of a tenant miller (Joseph Winchester)carved on the main post.
First evidence of the round house shown in a carving on the main post.
1870 Steam engine installed around this date, beside the mill, to provide alternative power to drive the mill.
1873 Replacement cast iron wind shaft installed. Existing granary probably constructed.
1887 Mill used to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee.
1892 Date inscribed on tail pole.
1912 Mill ceased working commercially. Last driven by both wind or steam power.
1927 Mill conveyed to the Sussex Archaeological Society (SAS) by the Turner family.
Round house used as a museum of Agricultural Tools.
1934 ‘Shilling Fund’ launched to restore the mill. Estimated cost £150.
1935 Some repairs carried out, but restoration then abandoned.
1951 Frank Brangwyn launched a second appeal to restore the mill.
Estimated cost £500. Later abandoned.
1958 Repairs to the mill’s breast.
1976 A presentation on restoration is made at a meeting of the Hassocks Field Society.
1980 Hassocks Amenity Association (HAA) acquired the lease on the mill.
Exhibition mounted by the Bourne sisters of Ditchling with John and Iris Annett.
Volunteer group formed and restoration commenced.
Estimated timescale 7 years and cost £7,000.
1981 Remaining pair of original sweeps and both stocks removed.
1985 Mill stones, some machinery and stone floor removed.
Fund raising commenced in earnest.
1987 Brick supporting piers partly dismantled to aid removal of the cross tree.
1988 Trestle and crown tree replaced.
1991-93 New frames for sides, breast, sheers and tail wall constructed.
1993-95 Remaining machinery removed and scaffolding erected.
1995-97 Rotten timbers in mill body removed and new frames erected.
1997 Oldland Mill Trust (OMT) formed as a charity linked to the HAA.
1998 New tail ladder constructed. HAA acquired the freehold to the mill.
2000 Round house walls dismantled.
The use of Jenner’s Barn for mill activity commenced.
2001 Breast and port side weather boarding completed.
2002 New rafters erected. Starboard side, roof and tail wall weather boarding completed.
2003 Spout floor relayed, tail ladder fitted and round house foundations reconstructed.
Formal topping out ceremony conducted.
2004 DEFRA Grant of £60,000 awarded under the Rural Enterprise Scheme.
Round House rebuilt using original bricks, and new roof constructed to original design.
Scaffolding removed from around the mill.
2005 Upper and lower tail beams reinforced with steel plates.
Round house floor relayed using original bricks.
Iron bands fitted to the millstones and the stones redressed.
Mill was winded for the first time since the restoration began.
2006 Four new sweeps and the brake wheel constructed.
Millwright contracted to build the new sweeps died.
All contracted work brought back in house to be carried out by volunteers.
2007 New brake wheel fitted.
New stocks fitted and new sweeps hung.
OMT reformed as a charity independent of the HAA.
2008 New sweeps turned by the wind for the first time.
Front mill stone drive installed and flour produced.
Skirt finished and restoration of the mill exterior completed.
2009 Grand Celebration event to mark the first milling post restoration.
Oldland Mill and Jill Mill both have their sweeps turning at the same time for the first time in about 100 years.
2011 Sussex Heritage Trust Award given to OMT.
Two of the four sweeps were removed, using a mobile crane, and refurbished with the help of new volunteers.
2012 A servery was installed and given a food hygiene rating of 5
2013 The flour dresser was installed.
The new website went live.
The remaining two sweeps were removed, using a mobile crane, and refurbished.
2014 English Heritage Angel Award given to OMT, following a national vote.
2015 Auxiliary drive demonstrated, for the first time, using a local Traction Engine.
2016 The Shenton Family kindly allowed the use of a garage for use as a mill store and workshop.
2017 Mill Safety Officer appointed and the Accident Prevention Team formed.
2018 Sweeps 1 & 3 were removed, using traditional rope and pulley methods, and refurbished with the help of volunteers painters.
2019 Sweeps 2 & 4 were removed, using traditional rope and pulley methods, and refurbished with the help of volunteers painters.
2020 Lightning protection was installed.
2021 Removal of the temporary Porta-Cabin workshop.
Construction of new boundary walls and a permanent workshop commenced.
For a history of the Oldland Windmill Millers please go to page 3 below.